Политика документ Совет Европы обнародовал решение по Украине - все поправки РФ вычеркнули

2017-11-09 08:41

В Совете Европы обнародовали решение Комитета министров Совета Европы (КМСЕ), в котором РФ признали ответственной за внедрение минских договоренностей и подтвердили прогресс в реформах. Соответствующий документ опубликован на сайте Совета Европы.

Перед голосованием были внесены правки с российской стороны, которые не поддержала ни одна страна.

Комитет министров подтвердил свою приверженность полному выполнению всех принятых ранее решений по ситуации в Украине.

Решение КМСЕ подчеркивает ответственность России за выполнение Минских договоренностей, прежде всего касательно прекращении огня и отвода войск, вооруженных формирований и военной техники, и призывает к их полной и быстрой имплементации.

Комитет поприветствовал шаги, которые Украина сделала в реформах и подчеркнул прогресс в областях, имеющих решающее значение для соблюдения прав человека, укрепления демократических институтов и верховенства закона.

ДОКУМЕНТ (на языке оригинала)


The Deputies,

Recalling their previous decisions concerning Ukraine, including the latest decision of 3 May 2017, and reconfirming their commitment to implementing them,

Having reviewed the situation in Ukraine on a regular basis, in the light of the communications and reports presented by the Secretary General and the Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as the reports on the implementation of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine,

Reiterating their commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes, to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, and that peace and democratic security in Europe are based on the respect for international law and the values and standards of the Council of Europe,

welcomed the further steps taken by Ukraine in its reform agenda and the progress achieved in areas that are crucial regarding respect for human rights, the consolidation of democratic institutions and the rule of law;

encouraged the continuation of the reform process, so as to ensure that Ukraine’s domestic legislation and practice are fully in line with the standards of the Council of Europe, in particular those of the European Convention on Human Rights; welcomed the ratification of Protocols No.15 and No.16 to the Convention by Ukraine; underlined the importance of the effective execution of the judgments delivered by the European Court of Human Rights and the follow-up to the conclusions and recommendations made by the Council of Europe monitoring bodies regarding Ukraine;

underlined in this context the particular importance of such fundamental freedoms as freedom of expression and information, freedom of the media, including the safety of journalists, and freedom of association and assembly, as well as of the rights of all persons belonging to national minorities;

  1.         urged the Ukrainian authorities to conduct wide and inclusive consultations on legislation affecting the rights of all persons belonging to national minorities, and in particular their language rights, as well as to engage with the relevant bodies of the Council of Europe; welcomed the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to submit the new law on education to the Venice Commission for an opinion so as to ensure that the legislation is fully compatible with relevant Council of Europe standards;
  2.         encouraged the continued implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy and National Action Plan on Human Rights; expressed their satisfaction regarding the establishment of three new anti-corruption institutions (National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine; National Agency for Prevention of Corruption; Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor) and encouraged the strengthening of their resources, powers and independence; welcomed Ukraine's initiative to set up an independent anti-corruption court; called upon the Ukrainian authorities to fully implement the key recommendations of the recent opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft laws on anti-corruption courts and on the specialisation of judges regarding corruption related offences;
  3.         acknowledged the progress made in the reform of the judiciary following the adoption of the related constitutional amendments, including the process initiated for the renewal of judges, in particular the selection of new judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine; encouraged the adoption of the legislative amendments which are necessary to follow up the reform, and reiterated their readiness to assist the Ukrainian authorities in their implementation, as well as to participate in an evaluation of the progress achieved;
  4. encouraged Ukraine to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention);
  5.         welcomed progress made in decentralisation, and in particular in important areas such as fiscal decentralisation and the amalgamation of communities, and reiterated the willingness of the Council of Europe to continue to provide advice and assistance in this area; encouraged further implementation of the local self-governance reform, including in the areas of sectorial decentralisation and local civil service, while ensuring that the preferences of the local residents are duly taken into consideration;
  6.         encouraged the Ukrainian authorities to rapidly bring forward the reforms under way also regarding electoral law, the functioning of Parliament, good governance and media freedom;
  7.       reiterated the willingness of the Council of Europe to continue to provide its assistance in its areas of expertise, in particular through a new Action Plan with Ukraine, in close co-ordination with the European Union, other international organisations and bilateral donors;
  8.       highlighted the specific and urgent needs of the civilian population affected by the conflict, called upon all sides to ease their plight and to respect their human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as allow unhindered access for humanitarian organisations; encouraged the continuation of the valuable assistance provided by the Council of Europe in this area;
  9.       reiterated their appeal to all sides to strictly respect the Minsk Agreements, above all the ceasefire and the withdrawal of troops, armed formations and military equipment, to take the necessary steps for their full and swift implementation; underlined the Russian Federation’s responsibility in this context;
  10.       welcomed the efforts of the Secretary General to facilitate dialogue between the ombudspersons of Ukraine and the Russian Federation and the subsequent transfer of a group of Ukrainian prisoners; invited the Secretary General, with the support of all relevant Council of Europe bodies, to continue these efforts;
  11.       called again on the Ukrainian authorities to follow up the conclusions of the reports prepared by the International Advisory Panel on the investigations conducted into the events in Maidan from November 2013 onwards and in Odesa in May 2014, and to inform the Committee of Ministers of the steps taken to this end.

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